JEE - Components:

Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) - This technology is a server side component of Java platform  used for the construction of enterprise application. It is one of the Java APIs attached with the enterprise edition. By using Java technology, EJB helps in quick development of small, distributed, transactional and secure application. 

Java Mail - This JavaMail API technology allows to build mails and messaging application in a platform independent and protocol independent framework. It is both a part of JSE and JEE platform. Thus, JavaMail uses an extensible platform for transferring all kinds of Multimedia Internet Mail Extension (MIME). 

Java Message Service (JMS) - Developed under Java community process, JMS technology is used for sending messages between users. Basically, it  is an enterprising messaging tool used for building enterprising application. The JMS API is a combination of Java technology and enterprising messaging that provides facilities for building small message based application. It functions under two models: Point-to-Point and Publishing & Subscribing model. 

Java Server Pages (JSP) - The JSP technology enables web developers in developing and maintaining web content pages in formats like HTML and XML. With the help of JSP, it becomes very easy to build server and platform independent web based application. This uses HTML and XML tags that offers logical solution for the content. This separately user interface and content development from each other, which allows the designer to change page layout without changing the content.

Java Servlets - This enables a developer in adding content to a web server by using Java platform. This provides the mechanism for enhancing the functionality of web server. In short, servlets provides platform independent and component based web based application without the performance limiting of CGI program. 


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