Basics of Java Technology

This section provides an overview of Java technology as programming language and a platform. Java technology is a simple, secure, robust, complete object oriented and platform independent high level programming language.  It is also portable, high performance, multi threaded and networks  that enable it in constructing software that can run along in small machines.  The whole technology is based on the concept of Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that acts as a translators of  byte code into machine language. In other words JVM converts the java byte codes into platform specific machine language.

Understanding the Java Technology

Java technology is high-level, object-oriented, very robust programming language. Java is platform independent programming language and you can run your compiled code on any operating system without recompiling your source code. Java technology is based on the concept of a single Java virtual machine (JVM) -- a translator between the language and the underlying software and hardware. All implementations of the programming language must emulate the JVM, enabling Java programs to run on any system that has a version of the JVM.

If you want to start java programming then you need to use a text editor to create and edit the source code.  By using the Java complier, you can change the source code into byte code. The byte code can be run on any platform having Java interpreter that can convert the byte code into codes suitable for the operating system. 


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